

作者:  发布日期:2024-02-27  浏览:




  1999.9 - 2003.6 聊城大学地理系 获理学学士学位

  2003.9 - 2006.6 安徽师范大学国土资源与旅游学院 获理学硕士学位

  2006.9 - 2009.6 南京林业大学林学院 获理学博士学位

  2010.9 – 2013.12 中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所博士后

  2014.8-         聊城大学地理与环境学院教师









  聊城大学自然科学二等奖, 2019

  聊城大学“光岳英才”(第三层次), 2019  


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  tao baoxian*, et al. combined effect of biochar addition and temperature on methane absorption of topsoil in a temperate forest, china[j]. ecological engineering, 2023, 187: 106844

  tao baoxian*, et al. co2 emissions from reed litter in the air and on the soil surface in the yellow river delta, china[j]. frontiers in environmental science, 2023, 10: 1093513

  tao baoxian*, et al. decomposition of reed leaf and non-leaf litter in the air and on the ground in the yellow river delta, china[j]. wetlands ecology and management, 2023, doi: 10.1007/s11273-023-09962-z

  chen qinghai, tao baoxian(通讯作者), et al. combined effects of biochar addition with varied particle size and temperature on the decomposition of soil organic carbon in a temperate forest, china[j]. soil science and plant nutrition, 2023, 69(1):45-53

  tao baoxian*, et al. “fertile island” of tamarix chinensis accelerated the carbon decomposition in the coastal wetlands of the yellow river delta, china[j]. catena, 2022, 211(3): 106034  

  tao baoxian*, et al. antagonistic effect of nitrogen additions and warming on litter decomposition in the coastal wetland of the yellow river delta, china[j]. ecological engineering, 2019, 131:1-8  

  tao baoxian*, et al. effects of inorganic and organic nitrogen additions on co2 emissions in the coastal wetlands of the yellow river delta, china[j]. atmospheric environment, 2018, 185:159-167

  tao baoxian*, et al. interactive effects of nitrogen forms and temperature on soil organic carbon decomposition in the coastal wetlands of the yellow river delta, china[j]. catena, 2018, 165: 408-413

  tao baoxian, song changchun*. temperature sensitivity of carbon dioxide production in aggregates and their responses to nitrogen addition in a freshwater marsh, sanjiang plain[j]. soil science and plant nutrition, 2013, 59: 953-960

  tao baoxian, song changchun*, guo yuedong. short-term effects of nitrogen additions and increased temperature on wetland soil respiration, sanjiang plain, china[j]. wetlands, 2013, 33(4): 727-736

  tao baoxian, song changchun*. effects of nitrogen addition, temperature and physical protection on first-phase decomposition of soil organic carbon in marshland[j]. fresenius environmental bulletin, 2013, 22(5a): 1579-1584

  zhu xiaoyan, song changchun, chen weiwei, zhang xinhou, tao baoxian. effects of water regimes on methane emissions in peatland and gley marsh[j]. vadose zone journal, 2018, 17:180017

  zhang xinhou, song changchun, mao rong, yang guisheng, tao baoxian, shi fuxi, zhu xiaoyan, hou aixin. litter mass loss and nutrient dynamics of four emergent macrophytes during aerial decomposition in freshwater marshes of the sanjiang plain, northeast china[j]. plant and soil, 2014, 385: 139-147

  song yanyu, song changchun, tao baoxian, wang jiaoyue, zhu xiaoyan, wang xianwei. short-term responses of soil enzyme activities and carbon mineralization to added nitrogen and litter in a freshwater marsh of northeast china[j]. european journal of soil biology, 2014, 61:72-79

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  陶宝先*,等. 寿光市设施菜地土壤n2o排放规律及其影响因素[j]. 环境化学,2018, 37(1):154-163

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  陶宝先*,等.不同土地利用方式及增温对农业土壤n2o排放的非加和效应[j]. 生态与农村环境学报,2017, 33(11):1001-1006

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  陶宝先*,等. 不同形态氮输入对湿地生态系统碳循环影响的研究进展[j]. 生态环境学报,2016, 25(1):162-167

  陶宝先,等. 氮素形态对泥炭沼泽土壤有机碳矿化的影响[j]. 生态环境学报,2015, 24(3):372-377

  王晶东,陶宝先(通讯作者),等. 立枯对黄河三角洲滨海湿地凋落物水溶性有机碳含量及其质量的影响[j]. 生态学杂志,2022,doi: 10.13292/j.1000-4890-202207.029

  马澍,陶宝先,韩广轩,等. 春季降雨分配变化对黄河三角洲滨海湿地土壤呼吸的影响[j].生态学杂志,2021,40 (7):2094-2013



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